My last post was on the 10th. The last day I ate well and paid any attention to my points for good behavior was the 13th. I've been binging since then. And not brushing my teeth after lunch, or flossing at all. I've gained back six pounds and feel like I'm at true maximum capacity for flesh on this body.
My plan now is to get really serious and stop messing around and go back to my original "100 days of fitness" plan that I did last winter where I lost 15 pounds.
Regular well balanced 400 calorie breakfast. (Last year it was cereal everyday, but this time I think I'll switch it up with eggs and veggies. I got sick of cereal after the first month.)
Regular well balanced lunch served on top of a large bed of salad greens. Vegetable served raw and usually a few hours later as a snack. Sometimes with a dip made from herbs and garlic mixed in with a little yogurt set aside from breakfast.
Soup for supper. Between 100 and 300 calories of soup. Plus a serving of steamed veggies. Optional added whole grain (if soup is 200 calories or less.) Optional added protein (if soup is 100 calories or less) Soup is assumed to have needed fat calories.
Dessert is one piece of fruit. Last year it was a grapefruit every night, because it takes a while to eat and is so satisfying. But I got sick of that too after a month or so. This time I'm going to alternate with pomegranate.
That's only 1300 calories a day, sometimes less...depending on the supper. But, because of the bulk (salad and soup), and the timing (spaced evenly) I never did feel hungry. I felt "bingey" but not hungry. What does one do about feeling bingey? Just don't give in, I guess.
My real downfall isn't solo's social events. I eat too much and not the right things at get-togethers, and then later at home...after I feel I've ruined my plan, I freak out on cookies and ice-cream.
There are exactly 70 days left between today and the first of the year...counting those two days.
Sticking to this plan for two months...which feels do-able if I refuse food oriented much of my extra weight could I lose? 22 would make me happy. Back to 154 is like the holy grail of weight loss to's the size I'd be able to fit back into my suits at.
I'd have to lose a pound every 3.18 days. That's a little less than 2 a week. I think I could do it.
The trick is to boycott all social food things. Or, if I go to them, just don't eat at them. Have sparkling water, and lemon, and herbal tea instead. If absolutely necessary, have my own food that I bring: celery and other raw veggies, soup, etc.
2 months. For myself.
I also need to run 3 miles every day. Well, I can take a break once in a while. Once or twice a week, I guess. I should do an hour yoga class for every 3 mile run I miss. I think that would work out.
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