Wednesday, October 6, 2010

blah blah

I gave my self all sixes yesterday for my happiness rating. In the beginning of this project, my scores were all over the place, wildly swinging up and down. At that time, I thought a certain steadiness would be just as desirable as a lift in overall points. But after yesterday, I know I'd much rather have a day with a couple of 5's and a couple of 7's in it. The highs really make it worth having the lows.

I dreamed that Sweetie didn't love me any more. And the worse part was, I couldn't find our marriage license, so it was like we'd never even been together. There was no proof and no one believed me. People were very polite to me, like maybe they thought I was too mentally disturbed to contradict. It was nice to wake up in our dark bedroom and hear that steady breathing beside know instantly that everything is all right.

I told Mom about this project when we talked on Monday. She asked me to send her the score sheet, so she could keep track of her points too. I wonder if she'll do it. I think the "bedtime" points: washing one's face, turning the light out early, were the big draw for her. She had terrible "sleep hygiene" as she calls it. I know she just falls asleep on the sofa, and then wanders to bed in her clothes in the middle of the night.

It's fun to "get points" for doing the normal things that can seem so tedious.

It's only been two days on my new lose-weight plan and I've lost half a pound. Of course, that is the plan...half a pound every other day. It's so satisfying to see that it's working.

I worry that once I get a job I won't have time to take care of myself. Other than go to the library, and pick up medicine at the vet's office, I can't think of anything useful that I did that wasn't part of getting ready for all the kids and mom's to come over and eat we do every Tuesday evening. Well, I also balanced and reconciled the checkbook...but took a whole day just to do those few things? And, I was ExHaUsTeD at the end of it. Actually, I was exhausted in the middle of it!

Today's a fresh day, I'm going to try and get lots done. Especially job applications!

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